
2010 ?

New pic

2009 is past and it's already 2010 now.
hey, it's really fast.

Everything is almost change in my life.

Yea, it's no more school life on 2010.
I will miss all the things about school life...
About those funny things, unhappy things, the time we ponteng together 1st time, when we're argue and din't talk for few days, revolt the teacher we dont like and blah blah blah ~ HAHA. it's really fun and relax.

Hmm ~ I wont say that " if i can be student again".
i know that it's impossible happen im my life again . huuuu ~
Hey, who are still study, cherish about urs school life, it will never come back if it's past.

Im going to find a job, hmmm ~
buy a laptop
buy a new phone after CNY by mummy. xD
Continues study next year, IF want.

Ehh.. ~
It's no else plan what can i do for now.

Just.. hope that my job wont be so boring. @@"
Lol ~

My makeup exam is coming soon on next 2 week.
hey, y i seem like haven prepare for anythings that i need to do huh ?

Shit. @@

Ok. that's all i can write.
Happy 2010 everyone. >_^

